<% Const maxPagesize=1000 '设置分页字数 Function InsertPageBreak(strText) Dim strPagebreak,s,ss Dim i,IsCount,c,iCount,strTemp,Temp_String,Temp_Array strPagebreak="[hiweb_break]" s=strText If Len(s)<maxPagesize Then InsertPageBreak=s End If s=Replace(s, strPagebreak, "") s=Replace(s, " ", "< >") s=Replace(s, ">", "<>>") s=Replace(s, "<", "<<>") s=Replace(s, """, "<">") s=Replace(s, "'", "<'>") If s<>"" and maxPagesize<>0 and InStr(1,s,strPagebreak)=0 then IsCount=True Temp_String="" For i= 1 To Len(s) c=Mid(s,i,1) If c="<" Then IsCount=False ElseIf c=">" Then IsCount=True Else If IsCount=True Then If Abs(Asc(c))>255 Then iCount=iCount+2 Else iCount=iCount+1 End If If iCount>=maxPagesize And i<Len(s) Then strTemp=Left(s,i) If CheckPagination(strTemp,"table|a|b>|i>|strong|div|span") then Temp_String=Temp_String & Trim(CStr(i)) & "," iCount=0 End If End If End If End If Next If Len(Temp_String)>1 Then Temp_String=Left(Temp_String,Len(Temp_String)-1) Temp_Array=Split(Temp_String,",") For i = UBound(Temp_Array) To LBound(Temp_Array) Step -1 ss = Mid(s,Temp_Array(i)+1) If Len(ss) > 380 Then s=Left(s,Temp_Array(i)) & strPagebreak & ss Else s=Left(s,Temp_Array(i)) & ss End If Next End If s=Replace(s, "< >", " ") s=Replace(s, "<>>", ">") s=Replace(s, "<<>", "<") s=Replace(s, "<">", """) s=Replace(s, "<'>", "'") InsertPageBreak=s End Function Function CheckPagination(strTemp,strFind) Dim i,n,m_ingBeginNum,m_intEndNum Dim m_strBegin,m_strEnd,FindArray strTemp=LCase(strTemp) strFind=LCase(strFind) If strTemp<>"" and strFind<>"" then FindArray=split(strFind,"|") For i = 0 to Ubound(FindArray) m_strBegin="<"&FindArray(i) m_strEnd ="</"&FindArray(i) n=0 do while instr(n+1,strTemp,m_strBegin)<>0 n=instr(n+1,strTemp,m_strBegin) m_ingBeginNum=m_ingBeginNum+1 Loop n=0 do while instr(n+1,strTemp,m_strEnd)<>0 n=instr(n+1,strTemp,m_strEnd) m_intEndNum=m_intEndNum+1 Loop If m_intEndNum=m_ingBeginNum then CheckPagination=True Else CheckPagination=False Exit Function End If Next Else CheckPagination=False End If End Function Function ContentPagination(hiwebstr) Dim ContentLen, maxperpage, Paginate Dim arrContent, strContent, i Dim m_strFileUrl,m_strFileExt,ArticleID ArticleID=Request.QueryString("ID") strContent = InsertPageBreak(hiwebstr) ContentLen = Len(strContent) CurrentPage=Request.QueryString("Page") If CurrentPage="" Then CurrentPage=0 If InStr(strContent, "[hiweb_break]") <= 0 Then ArticleContent = "<div id=""NewsContentLabel"" class=""NewsContent"">" & strContent & "</div><div id=""Message"" class=""Message""></div>" Else arrContent = Split(strContent, "[hiweb_break]") Paginate = UBound(arrContent) + 1 If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1 Else CurrentPage = CLng(CurrentPage) End If If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1 If CurrentPage > Paginate Then CurrentPage = Paginate strContent = "<div id=""NewsContentLabel"" class=""NewsContent"">"& arrContent(CurrentPage - 1) ArticleContent = ArticleContent & strContent If UserArticle = True Then ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "</p></div><div id=""Message"" class=""Message""></div><p align=""center""><b>" Else ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "</p></div><p align=""center""><b>" End If If IsURLRewrite Then m_strFileUrl = ArticleID & "_" Else m_strFileExt = "" m_strFileUrl = "?id=" & ArticleID & "&Page=" End If If CurrentPage > 1 Then If IsURLRewrite And (CurrentPage-1) = 1 Then ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "<a href="""& ArticleID & m_strFileExt & """>上一页</a> " Else ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "<a href="""& m_strFileUrl & CurrentPage - 1 & m_strFileExt & """>上一页</a> " End If End If For i = 1 To Paginate If i = CurrentPage Then ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "<font color=""red"">[" & CStr(i) & "]</font> " Else If IsURLRewrite And i = 1 Then ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "<a href="""& ArticleID & m_strFileExt & """>[" & i & "]</a> " Else ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "<a href="""& m_strFileUrl & i & m_strFileExt & """>[" & i & "]</a> " End if End If Next If CurrentPage < Paginate Then ArticleContent = ArticleContent & " <a href="""& m_strFileUrl & CurrentPage + 1 & m_strFileExt & """>下一页</a>" End If ArticleContent = ArticleContent & "</b></p>" End If Response.Write(ArticleContent) End Function %> ASP长文章内容自动分页函数 主要功能:自动将长文章内容分页显示,可自由设定分页字数,且不会截断HTML代码。 适用范围:文章内容自动分页插件适用于所有ASP程序。 使用方法: 1.下载附件中的文件,将它解压上传到您的网站根目录 2.在需要分页的页面最顶部调用刚刚上传的文件。调用代码 <!--include file="ContentAutoPage.asp"--> 3.在内容显示处 将原来的显示代码替换为: <%=ContentPagination(rs("变量字段"))%>。